Black Lily Quest

  • Black lily candle: 3 black lilies*, 3 nightmare lilies**

*You can get these by planting black lilies.
**You can get these sometimes by planting black lilies.

  • Black lily flower arrangement: 3 black lilies, 3 nightmare lilies, 2 lily patterns*

*You can get these by trading buttons you will get occasionally when you make the candle. Each candle will give you 1 button if you’re lucky.

1 flower arrangement = 3 black lilies = 3 nightmare lilies = 2 lily patterns
5 flower arrangements = 15 black lilies = 15 nightmare lilies = 10 lily patterns

1 lily pattern = 2 buttons
10 lily patterns = 20 buttons

1 button = 1 candle = 3 nightmare lilies
20 buttons = 20 candles = 60 nightmare lilies at least

Total: 60 + 15 = 75 nightmare lilies at least

  • Black wagon: 3 black lilies, 3 lily patterns

Note that the black wagon is not something that you have to make, but something that you need to trade in instead. Just go to Hawk at the construction area and you can do your business there.

1 wagon = 3 black lilies = 3 lily patterns
6 wagons = 18 black lilies = 18 lily patterns

1 lily pattern = 2 buttons
18 lily patterns = 36 buttons

1 button = 1 candle = 3 nightmare lilies
36 buttons = 36 candles = 108 nightmare lilies at least

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